How a husband should be?

Ashwini S
4 min readJun 20, 2022


Everywhere I have been hearing about how a wife should be, what is expected from a woman after wedding, what are the responsibilities of a married woman.

Nowhere I could find anything about how a husband should be, what is expected from a man after wedding, what are the responsibilities of a married man. This is the main reason for me to write this article today.

I received a message from my friend on Chanakya’s views about how a wife should be. Even Chanakya has spoken about only how a wife should be, and nothing about husband. I literally googled to know if at all Chanakya has something to say about how a husband should be, and I could not find anything. Either my google search skill is bad, or Chanakya really didn’t have anything to say about husband.

Definitely married life is not a fairy tale. Both husband and wife will have a huge responsibility of running a house together with lot of compromises, planning, and facing the challenges with lot of grit.

Let me share now about how a husband should be.

I have heard from so many people that husbands don’t share anything about their finances with wife. I have also heard from many that husband and wife should share their financial details so that they can plan their future better and run their present life in a much smarter way. It need not be that both should be strong in financial planning, either of them can take up the entire responsibility of handling finances at home. I have seen so many wisely planning their finances together. Of course same logic or same principles may not be applicable in everyone’s life. I would like to say — Dear husbands, trust your wives and plan your finances together.

Responsibility is always shared after marriage. Be it in doing household chores, or shopping vegetables outside. No man is less of a woman if he does household chore, and no woman is less of a man if she seeks help from her own man for anything in life. I would like to say — Dear husbands, help your wives wherever she needs you.

Trust factor is very important in any relationship. Specially between a husband and wife. It takes a lot to build trust and takes seconds to break it. I would like to say — Dear husbands, always be truthful to your wives, that is the minimum one can expect in a relationship.

Being a responsible human being is very important in life. Be it husband or wife. What do you mean by being responsible? Let me tell you. Always be proactive when you have to take any initiative which serves a good purpose for everyone at home. Take risks which doesn’t impact the peace of mind of your family. Give good amount of time for your family discussing the problems in a sensible way. If someone is literally feeling down in the family or feeling uncomfortable, make them feel better by addressing their problems in a realistic way. Don’t ever take a backseat saying this is not your responsibility. Always be ready to go beyond your boundaries to keep your family happy (in right routes though). Support each other, motivate each other. The list goes on and on and on…. I would like to say — Dear husbands, Be responsible.

Married life starts with lot of dreams, goals and plans. Don’t ever shatter anyone’s dreams for any reason. Try to make it happen. I would like to say — Dear husbands, have a goal in life, support your wife to grow together.

Last but not the least, hold yourself responsible for becoming a better person. Don’t ever get married thinking your wife will change you or make your life better. It is not her job to change you or make you feel responsible. It is your job to be responsible and flourish together. I would like to say — Dear husbands, your wife is not God who can change you overnight. Change for your own good.

The Bottom Line

I am not talking anything about gender equality or feminism. Sharing my views about the importance of being a responsible human being. Whatever I mentioned is absolutely applicable for wives too. But, this one is explicitly to all the husbands out there.

Marriage is the toughest journey and kind of a second life for both man and a woman.

Make the most of it, grow together, show the world that sailing together is more stronger than sailing alone in the journey of life.

Cheers to all the couples who are doing their best to sail through the ups and downs of life and who are accomplishing their goals together.

Take care…



Ashwini S
Ashwini S

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