It definitely is not.
Life involves so many different stages of experience. Being a baby, experiencing the Childhood, Teenage, Adult, Old age are different parts of life. If you ask anyone about which phase of life they like the most, it would mostly be the Childhood phase. Why so?
Childhood is a phase filled with innocence, less of responsibilities, more of enjoying the beauty of everything around.
Few may also feel that if they had the same knowledge of what they have today during their childhood, they would have achieved so much by now.
Not everyone is blessed with a hunky-dory childhood.
Whatever happens during the childhood really has a great impact in the future. Blessed are those who had the best childhood. Definitely there are people who have had the toughest childhood, unable to forget few bitter moments even after they grow up as responsible adults.
My heart goes out to all such people and I just want to say ‘YOU ARE NOT ALONE’.
All of us will have bitter moments in life in some or the other stages of life. It could be that you have a bad past which you are unable to come out at all. Give it time to heal. Sometimes, past will be very much haunting. But, literally there is no use in spending time upon something which you cannot change. Few of the situations in the past would have made you the strongest person ever. Respect those moments of life. It is because of those toughest situations you have become the strongest. Build your future stronger, which has the ability to withstand any kind of storms in life.
Learn from your mistakes. The moment you start feeling low for whatever reason, just think of struggles you have faced till now to reach where you are.
Use the bitter past to make the future a sweet one.
Celebrate every small success in your life, it really matters a lot. Feel proud of every bit of efforts you have been putting to sail through this tough journey. Life is not meant to be just born and die. Life is meant to be experienced to the fullest. Do lift your near and dear ones when they are low. Help them feel better; I am sure it will come back to you some day.