You have only one life. Live it to the fullest. Leave a dent in the space before you leave the world. Make every year a memorable one, worthwhile to remember. While making every year a worthwhile one could be challenging, focus on making every day worthwhile to live :)
Try something which you have never tried before to make it work. Come out of the mindset of “Oh, I can’t do it”, “I am feeling very uncomfortable” etc., Trust your capabilities, you can do more than what you are capable of, only if you set your mind so strong that nothing can shake you or derail you.
Sometimes in life, we need slight nudge and other times a big push to achieve certain goals. Always be grateful to people who are those slight and big push for you :) It will give you immense happiness when you start achieving your goals with lot of hard work and perseverance. Remember, hard work really pays off!
It is very easy to sit idle and crib about things not working out in life. That is where a strong willpower comes into picture. Make your life more meaningful in your own ways. Your goals can be as small as waking up happy in the morning to as big as owning a house! Measuring the goals as small and big is entirely left to your ways of thinking.
Keep smiling whatever the situation is in life. That will become the best fuel to achieve your goals.
The happiness you get in ticking off the goals from your bucket list is priceless :)
Among all the goals you have in life, prioritize good health as one of the main goal! I am still striving to make good health as my utmost goal, but I will get there soon :)