Which attitude would you choose?

Ashwini S
2 min readOct 2, 2022


Everyone will come across a situation where they won’t be able to put across their thoughts efficiently, but at the same time they can give recommendations to others for same situations.

This so happens with everyone for sure.

Empathizing with others is one of the greatest skills one can possess. Irony is that, one who can empathize others’ challenges may not be able to empathize themselves or rather help themselves at certain point. That is when we seek help from others to overcome the difficult situations in life.

It is absolutely okay to seek help when in need for right reasons.

Life cannot be a flat line, indeed, it is a sinusoidal wave. Keeps moving no matter what, has ups and downs no matter what. It is important to retain the sinusoidal wave and not ending up in a flat line.

Life has to be led with a purpose. That is when it becomes worth living for.

There is a saying — Easy said than done. Can’t agree more. It is very easy to say than to make it happen. How much ever you try to encourage others, how much ever you try to inspire others, there will come a point where you yourself won’t be able to handle situations around you.

It is OKAY! One who inspires others also needs motivation and help.

Don’t worry if you are being blamed for no reason. Don’t worry if you are not able to cope up with a situation which you are not responsible for. Everything will find its way out. Always remember to be a heroine/hero of your life, and not the victim. Have the heroic attitude and not the attitude of a victim.

Remember, you are not alone.



Ashwini S
Ashwini S

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